Kappa Kappa Psi National Committee on Nominations Slating Document Released


Our National Constitution requires the appointment of a National Committee on Nominations that reviews the eligibility of all candidates for National office, meets and talks with each candidate, and evaluates the eligible candidates to identify a “slate” that is made available to our membership at least thirty (30) days before the start of the National Convention.  A slate is their informed recommendation of the best combination of eligible individuals for the elections we will hold this July at our National Convention.  All slated candidates will be automatically nominated by Past National President Mike Osborn, on behalf of the committee, for whichever position for which they are slated.

The slate is now available on the National Convention website and will remain there through the National Convention.  

The National Constitution mandates that alumni, past leadership, and active members make up the committee and only requires that we consider the diversity of the member’s District to create geographic balance.  As part of our commitment to become a better Fraternity, this committee was balanced to reflect our full diversity statement and is a majority student committee.  It is critical to have a truly diverse committee to recommend our next national leaders so more voices are heard.  This committee took that responsibility seriously and made sure to bring in populations within our Fraternity that weren’t represented on the committee whenever possible.  On behalf of the National Fraternity, I want to thank the members of the committee for their efforts and sacrifice on our behalf to give us a thorough slate for consideration.

Please stay tuned for upcoming candidate open forums, make sure to connect with the candidates prior to National Convention, review candidate information on the National Convention website, and listen to the ongoing podcast episodes of Kappa Kappa Psi Presents for each candidate.  Each chapter represents a vote in our National Chapter and it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on the candidates, use the Nominations Committee’s hard work as a guide, and discuss the candidates as a chapter.   Questions can be directed to myself or the Chair of the National Committee on Nominations, Mike Osborn (osbornmi87@gmail.com).

Thank you and see you in Grand Rapids in a little more than a month!


Marco A. Krcatovich II

National President, 2019-2021

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