(for the 2023-2025 Biennium)
Each District shall be under the jurisdiction of at least one (1) District Governor. The District Governor(s) shall be selected by the National President with the advice of the National Council. The District Governor(s) shall be at least twenty-five (25) years of age and serve for a period of two (2) years or from National Convention to National Convention. (National Bylaw 5.201)
The District Governor(s) shall be the administrative Officer(s) of the District and shall be a member ex-officio of all district committees which the District President shall appoint. The District Governor(s) shall act in an advisory capacity to the National Council, the District, and the individual chapters and shall communicate the advice of the National Council to the District and the Chapters in the District. The District Governor(s) shall be designated as the official representative(s) of the District whenever such representation shall be required and shall, when requested by the National Council, act as the official inspecting officer(s) of the Fraternity at all Chapters within the District. (National Bylaw 5.202)
The District Governor(s) shall serve without compensation; however, all travels specifically requested by the National President may be reimbursed according to the schedule of reimbursement set up by the National Council. (National Bylaw 5.203)
To learn more about the District Governor role, please review the Position Description.