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Kappa Kappa Psi Trust Programs

Kappa Kappa Psi Trust Fund (Unrestricted)

The Kappa Kappa Psi Trust Fund, under the authority of the Board of Trustees, is a special account for donations made to the Trust Fund of the Fraternity. In addition, the Trust Fund receives Life Membership fees and interest earned on those funds. Routine expenses of the fund are the expenses of the National Intercollegiate Band. Other funds may be requested for a specific use for Fraternity Programs by the National Council.

Donations to the Trust Fund assist the Fraternity with unrestricted income to support any variety of programs as approved by the Board of Trustees.

Stanley G. Finck Fund for the National Intercollegiate Band (back)

One of the most exciting contributions made to the work of collegiate music during the last 70 years has been the National Intercollegiate Band program of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. This ensemble continues to make a significant contribution to the advancement of collegiate bands. Open to all qualified musicians, regardless of membership in the Fraternity or Sorority, the NIB brings members face-to-baton with dynamic composers and respected conductors from across America.

Mr. Stanley G. Finck’s affiliation with Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma began in 1959 when he was initiated into the Beta Epsilon Chapter at the University of South Dakota. His continued service to both organizations culminated when he became National President of Kappa Kappa Psi from 1991-1993. Mr. Finck was known by everyone as the “epitome of what a gentleman – a gentle man” is. He was committed to the success of both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.

Mr. Finck passed away in 1997 and through his will, donated funds for the creation of the Stanley G. Finck Fund to directly benefit the National Intercollegiate Band. Proceeds of the Fund support the work of both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma by providing funds for the NIB program.

National Commissioning Project (back)

The commissioning program of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma has made a significant impact on band music in America. This joint program was conceived by Kappa Kappa Psi Grand President Hugh E. McMillen (Alpha Iota) 1951-1953, who felt the organizations should offer something constructive to college and university bands. Brother McMillen saw in the National Intercollegiate Band and its sponsoring fraternity and sorority the perfect vehicle for a lasting contribution to the field of concert band literature. He proposed a program to commission a special work for concert band by a noteworthy composer in the name of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.

World premiere renditions have been a highlight of National Intercollegiate Band concerts since 1953. Leading musicians have been commissioned by the fraternity and sorority to compose numbers for this purpose. Such noted works include Francis McBeth’s The Seventh Seal, Claude T. Smith’s Symphony #1for Band, and Fisher Tull’s Prelude & Double Fugue. Several of these composers have also served as guest conductors.

The commissioned work demands the highest in technical proficiency and musicality, as well as being of sufficient merit to rank with the best in the concert band music genre. The commission is offered by Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma to someone demonstrating proven abilities in composing for band or to someone who should be encouraged to write for concert band. Both organizations have presented the college and university bands of the nation with more solid evidence that they are “Building Better Bands.” Since its creation, the program has been responsible for more than 23 new pieces of band literature and has come to be considered of prime importance in our national program of Service to Music.

Matching Gifts (back)

Corporations annually demonstrate their support for Kappa Kappa Psi by matching, or even multiplying, their employees’ gifts to the Fraternity. Ask whether your employer participates in such a program. Certain restrictions apply to matching gifts; please consult your company’s personnel office for further information.

Stock & Securities (back)

A gift of stock or closely held securities can benefit you and the Fraternity. Here’s how:

  • Income tax deduction for the donor for the charitable contribution
  • No capital gains tax on the appreciation in value
  • The Fraternity receives the proceeds of the redeemed stock or securities immediately.

Four Ways to Make a Difference (back)

Living in one of the richest nations in the world, during one of its most abundant periods in history, we sometimes fall blind to those whose fortunes run less deep than our own.

There are ways you can help others today without ever jeopardizing your personal financial security. One easy way is by making a bequest in your will that specifies a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to benefit Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity. Following are four types of bequests:

Unrestricted bequest.

    •  This is a gift for our general purposes, to be used at the discretion of our governing board. A gift like this “without conditions attached” allows us to determine the wisest and most pressing need for the funds at the time of receipt.

Restricted bequest.

    •  This type of gift allows you to specify how the funds are to be used. Perhaps you have a special purpose or project in mind. If so, it’s best to consult us before you execute your will to be certain your intent can be fulfilled.

Honorary or memorial bequest.

    •  This is a gift given “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone. We are pleased to honor your request and have many ways to grant appropriate recognition.

Endowed bequest.

    •  This bequest allows you to restrict the principal of your gift, requiring us to hold the funds permanently and use only the income or a small percentage of the fund each year. Creating an endowment in this manner means that your gift can continue giving indefinitely.

The information on this site is not intended as legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney, tax professional or investment professional.

Kappa Kappa Psi General Fund Programs

SOS (Support Our Station) (back)

In November 1991, the National Headquarters moved from the Seretean Center to Stillwater

Station. Stillwater Station, a former Santa Fe Railway Depot, was purchased by the Fraternity and Sorority from a group of five Stillwater citizens who had bought the station at auction in order to insure that it be preserved. Three of these men are alumni of the Alpha Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.

The original plans for Stillwater Station are dated June 15, 1911. Construction of Stillwater Station was completed in 1917 with a formal dedication ceremony in 1918. Stillwater Station was listed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, on March 3, 1980. Stillwater Station provides Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma with ample office space, a conference room, work room, storage space, and the National Archives. The purpose of the National Headquarters is to coordinate the activities of the Chapters and Colonies of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma and to serve the needs of Active members from across the nation. The National Headquarters is the link between these chapters and colonies and a source of continuity for the two organizations.

The SOS Fund helps to support maintenance and renovations needed to maintain Stillwater Station as our National Headquarters.

Scholarships (back)

Recognizing that the college experience is shaped by a great number of factors (including academics and extracurricular activities), the Kappa Kappa Psi AEA Scholarship was designed to reward those students who strive for the highest in everything they do. Being in a fraternity requires a substantial time commitment. In addition, Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi participate in a wide variety of musical ensembles and service projects. Kappa Kappa Psi is an organization that recognizes the role extracurricular activities provide for college students. The Fraternity recognizes the importance of academic excellence.

The Scholarship Fund assists the Fraternity with providing funds for the AEA Scholarship program.

Leadership Development (back)

Kappa Kappa Psi operates primarily as a student service and leadership recognition society whose chief aim is to assist the Director of Bands in developing the leadership and enthusiasm that is required of his/her band. Our goals are to provide the band not only with organized and concentrated service activities, but to give our membership valid and wholesome experiences in organization, leadership and social contacts.

The Leadership Development Fund assists the Fraternity with providing training, workshops, conferences, symposiums and educational opportunities for our members.

Recruiting Activity Projects (back)

One of the most essential factors determining the continued success of the Chapter and the Fraternity is the recruitment of new members. College student’s tenure as an active member is limited. Therefore, we need to recognize the importance of bringing new individuals into Kappa Kappa Psi. Recruiting new members ensures that the Chapter and the Fraternity will continue to grow and thrive after we graduate and move on. Without undergraduate Brothers and College bands to serve, Kappa Kappa Psi would not exist.

The Recruiting Activity Project Fund assists the Fraternity with providing membership education materials/activities and programs to support wholesome and rewarding recruiting activities.

Archive Restoration (back)

1919. This is the year Kappa Kappa Psi was founded. The Archive Restoration Fund assists the Fraternity with providing the funds needed to restore and maintain the records and articles of value from our long history serving the college band.

General Operating Funds (Unrestricted) (back)

Kappa Kappa Psi General Operating Funds are the major income and expense areas for the National Chapter.

Donations to the General Operating Fund assist the Fraternity with unrestricted income to support any variety of programs as approved by the National Council.

The Reward of Giving

However you choose to support Kappa Kappa Psi, you will be embarking on a partnership with America’s most respected fraternal organization supporting our university & collegiate band programs. Your gift can make a difference in a student’s ability to achieve his/her goal of a collegiate education, and it will certainly support the leadership development of our members through national events and leadership programs.

All of our programs need your support! For more information, call the Kappa Kappa Psi National Headquarters at 405.372.2333. We would be honored to work with you to establish your legacy to our Fraternity!