About the CFR Program

The National Chapter Field Representative Program began in 1992 and was created to provide a direct link between chapters and the National Leadership Team. The Chapter Field Representatives (CFR) serve a two-year term as both a member of the Headquarters Staff as well as a member of the National Leadership Team. The primary job of a CFR is to visit active chapters and petitioning groups across the country. When the CFR’s are not traveling, they are assisting the Headquarters Staff at Stillwater Station in Oklahoma. The purpose of a CFR visit is to facilitate discussions on areas of growth for the chapter, assist the chapter in setting specific goals for itself, and to inform chapters about the resources available to them. Chapter visits also allow CFR’s to identify trends across our chapters. This information is valuable for the National Leadership Team as they are able to use this information to determine if new resources are needed for our chapters to be successful. The goal of the CFR program is to visit every active chapter and petitioning group at least once throughout the course of the biennium. In 2006, the program was expanded from one field representative to two field representatives to accommodate the needs of our growing Fraternity.

Ari Wright

Cell: 405.747.5867
NHQ: 405.372.2333
E-mail: cfrkky@kkpsi.org

Mason Thomas

Cell: 405.612.2047
NHQ: 405.372.2333
E-mail: kkycfr@kkpsi.org

Ari Wright

Hailing from Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ari is a proud alumnus of the University of Michigan and the Nu Chapter, having graduated in December 2022 with a double major in Communications & Film. In the Michigan Marching and Hockey bands, they played trumpet from 2018 to 2023. After being inducted into the Nu Chapter in Spring 2019, they served as Vice President of Recruitment from 2020-2022. Ari joins us with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind, and looks forward to fostering brotherhood over the next biennium!

Mason Thomas

Mason is a 2022 graduate of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, AR. He graduated with a B.M. in Music Education. Mason was a member of the Razorback Marching Band, Hogwild Band, and UA Concert Bands. He was initiated into the Lambda Chapter in the Spring of 2019. As an active member, Mason served as Corresponding Secretary and Chapter President. He has also served as the SWD Secretary/Treasurer and as a member of the National Ritual Performance and Education Committee.